Intravenous Vitamin Therapy

Imagine the ability to improve overall health and wellness while fending off serious medical issues by building your nutritional status and immune system health.

This unique therapy was first used decades ago by several pioneering physicians who had grown weary of drug therapies with too many side effects.

In the 1960s Dr. John Myers of Johns Hopkins Medical Center developed an intravenous (IV) solution that could stop a life threatening asthma attack without any drugs. He used safe, natural substances with select vitamins, minerals and amino acids introduced into a vein with great success. Today we have improved versions of Dr. Myer’s early approach for a variety of health issues.

Another famous medical doctor, Dr. Hugh Riordan, worked extensively with large amounts of vitamin C safely introduced into the bloodstream through a vein with few side effects. Dr. Riordan who performed some 70,000 of these infusions, learned that at high doses, vitamin C can be a powerful antibiotic, anti-vital and anti-oxidant. And at super high doses, Vitamin C can become a pro-oxidant.

Today patients come to us with a whole host of medical issues to have their nutritional status and immune systems dramatically improved with Dr. Myers’ formulations (the Myer’s Cocktail) and/or the high dose vitamin C infusions.

Call us at 952-922-8005 or complete the simple form below to learn more about IV Vitamin Therapy.

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