Suzanne Somers’ Organization Endorses Advanced Health and Vitality Center.
We are pleased to be endorsed as a provider of highest quality hormonal and nutritional health care for women in the Twin Cities by Ms. Suzanne Somers, a true advocate for women’s health and her organization Forever HealthTM. This endorsement is a testimonial to our commitment and desire to provide you with safe, effective health care to recapture what’s missing in your life.
Welcome to the Advanced Health and Vitality Center
Founded by Dr. Alyse Hamilton, a noted and highly trained physician who experienced and overcame her own loss of energy, memory and vitality. The Advanced Health and Vitality Center is a specialized medical facility dedicated to helping women and men recapture their energy, memory and vitality through the careful use and monitoring of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), nutritional supplementation and restoring the immune system, adrenal and thyroid glands.
Hormone Loss and Menopausal Symptoms
Menopause is simply the end of female hormone production. It is medically described as twelve straight months without a menstrual period. For pre-menopausal (peri-menopausal women) the first signs of slowing estrogen production can actually begin years before in our early to mid-40s.
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Menopause can bring on any combination of more than 30 described symptoms from the loss of estrogen production. The most noted symptoms of menopause include:
- Weight gain
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Mood swings
- Increased anxiety
- Lost concentration
- Lost energy, and
- Lost libido.
Every woman undergoing menopause has her own set of symptoms and requires her own unique treatment plan specific to her in order to rebalance lost hormones and address underlying causes.
To Age Gracefully…Or Not!
We occasionally hear it suggested that a menopausal woman should be left alone to age gracefully. For those few, lucky women that do not have to endure any of the more negative and frustrating effects of menopause, choosing to be left alone is just fine. But, for the rest of us that experience even a few of the more negative and highly disruptive effects of menopause, like “nuclear” hot flashes, drenching night sweats or lost memory, energy and libido, there is nothing graceful about becoming confused, fat, immobilized by painful joints and diminished by the loss of hair, thinning skin or failing sight and hearing. For those of us that refuse to just fade away from the joys of life, there is a lot we can do.
That is exactly why the Advanced Health and Vitality was created for you…to be your partner in reclaiming your energy, memory and libido.
As Your Health Partner, Together We Can…
A few years ago, as a woman and a physician that began to experience my own menopausal symptoms, I initially believed that my earlier medical training as an internal medicine doctor and some guidance from my colleagues would get me through with flying colors. I could not have been more wrong.
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I confess that just like so many of you, I first tried the same self-help items we all see in ads and on TV. You know those ads that make far too many promises on how they can magically rebalance your hormones and stop menopausal symptoms in their tracks. And like far too many of you, I learned the hard way that promises that are too good to be true are most likely simply not true.
Frustrated by losing too much energy and memory and libido, I intensified my own search for better answers and results. My positive solutions came from finally becoming a well-trained, advanced fellow in anti-aging and regenerative medicine.
Learning how to rebuild my own immune system, how to restore my depleted adrenal and thyroid glands, and how rebalance my own hormones with safe effective bio-identicals, which are molecularly identical to our own, allowed me to reclaim my energy, my memory and my sexual health once again.
I Feel Rebalanced and Twenty Years Younger
And today I endeavor to offer you the same benefits I received from this advanced form of medicine.
If you are suffering from a loss of energy, and memory and libido consider partnering with me to reclaim your health and vitality once again.
Is Hormone Rebalancing Right For YOU?
You will receive a FREE phone review phone of your personal results from my staff.
Reclaim Your Energy, Memory and Libido.
Dr. Alyse
Alyse M. Hamilton, MD
Complete a FREE Hormonal Health
Pre-Assessment for Women.
It’s simple and fast. Learn more about your current health status. Begin by simply pushing the button below.
In appreciation for taking the time to complete this pre-assessment we will place $50.00 (FIFTY DOLLAR) on account towards your first visit.