Our Core Beliefs:
When you have your health you have a thousand wishes.
When you lose your health, you have only one.
We believe:
That every life is sacred and valuable.
Aging is inevitable, but losing your energy, memory and vitality is not.
Life should be full of vitality and free of pain.
Conventional medicine rarely practices prevention.
The relationship between a doctor and a patient is essential and sacred.
It takes a true patient/doctor partnership to reclaim individual health.
With guidance anyone can reclaim their energy, memory and vitality.
Health is what happens between your physician visits, not during them.
Our Mission:
The Advanced Health and Vitality Center (AHV) partners with each patient in a process to achieve true personal health and vitality.
We will actively listen to each patient’s complaints and needs as an integral part of understanding the underlying causes of chronic and age related problems.
We will practice and utilize the latest, proven integrative methods and treatments to guide each patient through the process of achieving ever improving health and vitality.